Was it a car or a cat I saw: Fixed assumptions and fresh evidence
Speaker: Richard Abadi
Time & Date: 7pm, Friday, October 12th 2012
Venue: Seminar Room, Hamilton Institute, Rye Hall, North Campus, NUI Maynooth
See Flyer for more details.
Speaker: Richard Abadi
Time & Date: 7pm, Friday, October 12th 2012
Venue: Seminar Room, Hamilton Institute, Rye Hall, North Campus, NUI Maynooth
See Flyer for more details.
The 2016 Ian Dangerfield Public Lecture, will be given by Prof Josephine Sullivan on the topic:
Deep Learning and its exciting impact on computer vision
It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of our colleague and friend, Peter Wellstead, who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly at his home in Manchester last Friday, 24th June 2016. Peter had a profound influence on the field of control engineering over many years. More recently, he made significant contributions to the emerging area of systems biology, establishing a team at the Hamilton Institute in 2003. His primary research focus in latter years was on the development of a systems understanding of Parkinson’s Disease with a view to helping others. This was entirely consistent with Peter’s general disposition; he was a generous, kind and supportive mentor, colleague and friend. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
The 2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop on Data Privacy will take place at the Maynooth University Hamilton Institute on the 28th of September, 2015. Details on the event can be found at the workshop website .
The Eolas Building is situated between the Bioscience & Electronic Engineering Building and the Iontas Building on the North Campus. See interactive map. Please use the Front Entrance for direct access to the 3rd floor.
Basic Description
Applications are invited for two, one and half year, funded M.Sc. research positions at the Hamilton Institute, an applied mathematics research centre of the National University of Ireland Maynooth. The present research projects involve the development and application of probabilistic and statistical methodologies to help understand the immune system.
The work will be supervised by Prof. K. Duffy and is supported by collaboration with experimental partners within Prof. P. Hodgkin’s Laboratory at the Walter and Elisa Hall Institute of Medical Research, Australia.
Candidates must be available to spend all, or part, of the academic year, September 2015 to August 2016, visiting the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, along with Prof. Duffy.
Candidate Profile
The candidate should hold a good, usually first-class honours, degree in Mathematics, Theoretical Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field and be motivated to tackle challenging research problems.
The postgraduate scholarships are open to Irish and EU students, pay university fees and carry a stipend of €18,000 (tax free). Costs of travel to MIT, along with accommodation while there, will also be covered.
The University and the City
Maynooth is a university town located 20km west of Ireland’s capital city Dublin with a vibrant cultural and social life. An express train line provides easy access to Dublin.
Application and Closing date
To apply, candidates should submit a detailed CV, transcripts of undergraduate grades, motivation letter and the names and addresses of two referees for letters of recommendation to Prof. Ken Duffy, email:ken.duffy@nuim.ie. Posts will be closed on being filled.
The TGI module “TGI_M07 (HM808): Anonymisation and Privacy” will run from June 8th to June 12th, 2015. The module will be delivered by Prof. J. Domingo-Ferrer of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and classes will run from 9.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-3pm each day. The venue for this module is the Hamilton Institute seminar room. More information is available at the Hamilton Institute structured PhD page .
Maynooth University is seeking an outstanding research leader to join the Hamilton Institute as Professor and Scientific Director, with a closing deadline of the 22nd of March. Further details can be found on the Human Resources page:
The 2014 Ian Dangerfield Public Lecture, will be given by Prof Saleem Bhatti on the topic:
Users can help make the Internet Greener!
How much energy do we use when we go online? Surely it can’t be that much? As our use of electronic services grows, and the numbers of users of online services grows also, so does the energy demand of our online habits. I will have a look at the energy usage of some electronic systems and also examine what we can do to decrease our ICT energy usage.
The talk is at 6:30pm, Wednesday October 22nd 2014 in the Seminar Room, of Maynooth University’s Hamiltion Instutute. All are welcome, please contact David.Malone@nuim.ie
if you plan to attend.
The Interdisciplinary Workshop on Data Privacy will take place at the Hamilton Institute from 9.30am to 5.15pm on September 29th 2014. More details can be found at the event website . This event is supported by the HEA PRTLI 5 TGI grant.
Applications are invited for a two-year, generously salaried (39,983 Euro per annum), M.Sc. position in Mathematical Biology on the European Union Marie Curie Initial Training Network on Quantitative T Cell immunology (QUANTI).
The primary restrictions on candidature are: (1) to ensure the international character of the ITN project, applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in Ireland for more than 12 months in the last three years immediately prior to the date of selection; (2) candidates must not yet have been awarded the doctorate degree and must be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research career; (3) have a first class or higher second class degree (or equivalent) in a numerate discipline such as mathematics / statistics / computer science / engineering.
Formal details can be found in the advertisment.
Informal inquiries should be sent to: Ken Duffy (ken.duffy@nuim.ie). The deadline for application is the 24th of July 2014, with an expected start date of 1st of September 2014.