Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
Applications are invited from well qualified candidates for a Lectureship/Senior Lectureship position at the Hamilton Institute.
The successful candidates will be outstanding researchers who can demonstrate an excellent international research track record. A strong commitment to research excellence, developing research partnerships, and the ability to establish a dynamic and world class research programme, including competitive grant funding are essential
The Hamilton Institute seeks to genuinely bridge the gap between mathematics and its applications in ICT and Biology. Current areas of strength include:
- Networked systems. This includes application of dynamical systems and queueing theory to routing, scheduling and congestion control in wired and wireless networks as well as to related areas such as security and privacy.
- Systems biology and Computational physiology. This includes the application of mathematical methods and dynamical systems theory to the understanding and analysis of metabolic and cell signaling pathways, pharmacological processes in drug development and underlying biological principles.
- Fundamental Mathematics. This includes switched and hybrid systems, analysis of feedback control systems, applied probability and queueing systems.
We are seeking to build new activity that complements existing strengths. This includes not only applications in networking and biology, but also mathematical applications in new domains such as energy and sustainable systems, financial mathematics, optimisation and logistics.
Successful candidates will be expected to assume leadership positions within the Institute and to take-up their posts no later Oct 31st, 2008. Appointments will be on the national university scales: Lecturer/Senior lecturer €51509-96796. Informal enquires regarding the posts can be made to Douglas Leith (doug.leith@nuim.ie). Applications with cv including contact details of three referees and two significant papers should be sent (electronically or otherwise) to :
Professor D. Leith
Hamilton Institute
NUI Maynooth
Co. Kildare
email: hamilton@nuim.ie
to be received no later that May 15th, 2008.