events archive

Ian Dangerfield Lecture

Friday, September 30th, 2016

The 2016 Ian Dangerfield Public Lecture, will be given by Prof Josephine Sullivan on the topic:

Deep Learning and its exciting impact on computer vision

Interdisciplinary Workshop on Data Privacy – September 28th, 2015

Friday, July 31st, 2015

The 2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop on Data Privacy will take place at the Maynooth University Hamilton Institute on the 28th of September, 2015. Details on the event can be found at the workshop website .

TGI_M07 (HM808) Anonymisation and Privacy

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

The TGI module “TGI_M07 (HM808): Anonymisation and Privacy” will run from June 8th to June 12th, 2015. The module will be delivered by Prof. J. Domingo-Ferrer of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and classes will run from 9.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-3pm each day. The venue for this module is the Hamilton Institute seminar room. More information is available at the Hamilton Institute structured PhD page .

Ian Dangerfield Lecture

Thursday, September 25th, 2014

The 2014 Ian Dangerfield Public Lecture, will be given by Prof Saleem Bhatti on the topic:

Users can help make the Internet Greener!

How much energy do we use when we go online? Surely it can’t be that much? As our use of electronic services grows, and the numbers of users of online services grows also, so does the energy demand of our online habits. I will have a look at the energy usage of some electronic systems and also examine what we can do to decrease our ICT energy usage.

The talk is at 6:30pm, Wednesday October 22nd 2014 in the Seminar Room, of Maynooth University’s Hamiltion Instutute. All are welcome, please contact if you plan to attend.

Interdisciplinary Workshop on Data Privacy – September 29th, 2014

Monday, September 1st, 2014

The Interdisciplinary Workshop on Data Privacy will take place at the Hamilton Institute from 9.30am to 5.15pm on September 29th 2014. More details can be found at the event website . This event is supported by the HEA PRTLI 5 TGI grant.

Summer School in Quantitative Immunology – NUIG 23-24 June, 2014

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

The first summer school on the EU Marie Curie Initial Training Network, QuanTI, will take place in Galway this summer. It is open to non-network participants, but numbers are limited. More details can be found on this flyer

Ian Dangerfield Lecture

Monday, September 16th, 2013

The 2013 Ian Dangerfield Public Lecture, will be given by Professor Phil Hodgkin on the topic:

The story of antibody: A scientific journey from vaccines to blockbuster new therapies

at 7pm, Friday October 4th 2013 in the Seminar Room, Hamiltion Instutute, NUI Maynooth. See the Flyer for more details. All are welcome, please contact if you plan to attend.


FAME Project Meeting

Monday, September 16th, 2013

The FAME project’s face-to-face meeting will be held in the Hamilton Institute on Friday September 20th, 2013.

Quantitative T cell Immunology EU ITN Meeting

Monday, May 13th, 2013

The inaugural meeting for the FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN (Initial Training Network) project QUANTI (Quantitative T cell Immunology) will take place at the Hamilton Institute on the 29th & 30th of August 2013. The meeting will open at 11am on Thursday the 29th and close at 5pm on the 30th, with all partners expected to be represented.

Further details of the programme will be posted here.

EU Partner organisations: Bayer Technology Services GmbH (Germany); Charité (Germany); DKFZ (Germany); DRFZ (Germany); Institut Pasteur (France); INSERM (France); National University of Ireland Maynooth (Ireland); National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland); NKI (Netherlands); UMCU (Netherlands); Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands); University of Leeds (UK); University College London (UK).

Associated Partner organisations: AstraZeneca (UK); Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK); TalaveraScience (UK); Unilever SEAC (UK); Universidad de Vigo (Spain); Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (Australia).

Further details of the network can be found on its web-site: QUANTI.

FLAVIA project meeting

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

We are looking forward to hosting a meeting of the members of the FLAVIA EU project, which will take place at the Hamilton Institute on the 26-27th of November.