First Hamilton Workshop on HIV: Mathematics, biology and beyond
February 26th, 2009
Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Organizers: Wilhelm Huisinga, Max von Kleist, Rick Middleton, Jorge dos Santos Ferreira
Aim: To give an opportunity for different researchers from the greater Dublin area and beyond to have a chance to meet, discuss, and gain new research contacts/collaborators in the area of HIV/AIDS.
Speakers & Talks: We anticipate a heterogeneous audience with mixed backgrounds in mathematics, systems biology, immunology, medicine etc. We appreciate, if speakers keep this in mind when preparing their talks, which are scheduled 20min + 10min discussion.
Registration and Fees: For catering purposes, we kindly ask participants to register by sending an email to Kate Moriarty ( There are no registration fees.
Tentative schedule: Thursday, Feb 26th 2009
09.30-09.45 Welcome and opening
09.45-10.15 Fiona T. Larkan (NUI Maynooth): “An ethnographic study relating to barriers to access and adherence to ARV treatment in the Western Cape in South Africa: Notes from the field”
10.15-10.45 Grace McCormack/Simon Travers (NUI Galway) “Analysis of the HIV 1 subtype C dataset from Karonga District Malaw”
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-11.45 Virginie W. Gautier (UCD): “First Draft of the HIV-1 Tat Nuclear Interactome”
11.45-12.15 Simon Travers (NUI Galway): “HIV, coreceptors and CCR5 antagonists”
12.15-12.45 Wilhelm Huisinga/Max von Kleist (NUI Maynooth): “Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship of NRTIs and its connection to viral escape: An example based on Zidovudine”
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-14.15 Patrick Mallon (UCD): “The HIV Molecular Research Group – Clinical and Translational HIV Research”
14.15-14.45 Rick Middelton/Jorge dos Santos Ferreira (NUI Maynooth): “A control engineering perspective of structured treatment interruption in HIV treatment’
14.45-15.15 tba
15.15-15.45 Coffee
15.45-16.15 Martina Schroeder (NUI Maynooth) “Targeting of host proteins by HIV: Subversion and/or evasion?”
16.15-16.45 Thomas Strong (NUI Maynooth) “An Update on Serosorting”
16.45-17.00 Wrap up
Venue: Seminar room, Hamilton Institute (directions).
Participants: Sean Callan (UCD), Derek Doherty (TCD), Eoin Feeney (UCD), Febe Francis (NUI Maynooth), Miriam Garcia (NUI Maynooth), Virginie W. Gautier (UCD), Lili Gu (UCD), Esteban Hernandez (NUI Maynooth), Wilhelm Huisinga (NUI Maynooth), Mohamed Ali Jarboui (UCD), Micheal Kibe (CDPC), Max von Kleist (NUI Maynooth), Fiona T. Larkan (NUI Maynooth), Fernando López (NUI Maynooth), Patrick Mallon (UCD), Grace McCormack (NUI Galway), Ed McGuinness (DCU), Rick Middleton (NUI Maynooth), William Powderly (UCD), Hanghang Qi (NUI Maynooth), Thato Ramela (South Africa), Teresa Redmond (NUI Maynooth), Jorge dos Santos Ferreira (NUI Maynooth), A. Jamie Saris (Combat Diseases of Poverty Consortium), Claudette Satchell (UCD), Martina Schroeder (NUI Maynooth), Cathal Seoighe (NUI Galway), Paschaline Stevens (South Africa), Thomas Strong (NUI Maynooth), Simon Travers (NUI Galway), Anderson Wanbugu (CDPC), Magdalena Zebrowska (NUI Maynooth)
Support: Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)