2006 | Tianji Li, Qiang Ni, David Malone, Douglas Leith, Yang Xiao, and Thierry Turletti | "A New MAC Scheme for Very High-Speed WLANs." To appear in IEEE WOWMOM (International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks), Niagara-Falls, Buffalo-NY, USA, 26-29 June 2006. |
2006 | Tianji Li, Qiang Ni, and Yang Xiao | "Investigation of the Block ACK scheme in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks". Accepted to appear in Special Issue of Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (JWCMC) on Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless ad hoc Networks, 2006. |
2006 | Nicola Cranley and Mark Davis | The Effects of Background Traffic on the End-to-End Delay for Video Streaming Applications over IEEE 802.11b WLAN Networks, IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2006), Buffalo NY, USA, 26-29 June 2006 |
2006 | Miroslaw Narbutt and Mark Davis | Gauging VoIP Call Quality from 802.11b Resource Usage, IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2006), Buffalo NY, USA, June 2006. |
2006 | Malone.D.W., Clifford,P., Leith,D.J | On Buffer Sizing for Voice in 802.11 WLANs, IEEE Communications Letters, to appear. |
2006 | Malone, D | Counting 6to4 Relay Routers, ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review,Vol. 36, Issue 1. |
2006 | Leith, D.J. | TCP QoS in 802.11e WLANs. Proc Terena Conference, Sicily. |
2006 | Leith,D.J., Clifford,P. | Convergence of Distributed Learning Algorithms for Optimal Wireless Channel Allocation. Proc. IEEE Conf on Decision and Control, San Diego. |
2006 | Kevin P. Mc Grath and John Nelson | “FLUX: A Forensic Time Machine for Wireless Networks,” in IEEE INFOCOM 2006 Poster and Demo Session, Spain, April 2006. |
2006 | K. Duffy, D.J. Leith, T. Li and D. Malone | Modeling 802.11 Mesh Networks, IEEE Communications Letters. |
2006 | K. Duffy, D.J. Leith, T. Li and D. Malone | Improving fairness in multi-hop mesh networks using 802.11e. Proc. RAWNET 2006. |
2006 | I. Dangerfield, D. Malone, D.J. Leith | Testbed Evaluation of 802.11e EDCA for Enhanced Voice over WLAN Performance, WiNMee 2006, April 3 , Boston, USA. |
2006 | F. Zheng, B. Gleeson, and J. Nelson | "Performance Analysis and Design: Power Saving Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 DCF," IFIP Networking 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, May 15-19, 2006. |
2006 | F. Zheng and T. Kaiser | "On the Channel Capacity of Multi-Antenna Systems with Nakagami Fading," EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, accepted for publication |
2006 | F.Zheng and T.Kaiser | "Channel capacity of UWB MIMO systems", in UWB Communcation Systems - A Comprehensive Overview EURASIP Book Series, to appear. |
2006 | F. Zheng and J. Nelson | "An Approach to Congestion Controller Design for Wireless Access Networks," Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, April 3-6, 2006. |
2006 | D. Picovici, A. Raja and C. Flanagan | Real-Time Non-Intrusive VoIP Evaluation Using Second Generation Network Processor, IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2006) |
2006 | D. Picovici and J. Nelson | “Advances in Perceptual Quality Measurements Applied to Voice Over IP (VoIP) Networks”. Article accepted in “Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering” Journal, ISSN 1582-7445 (To be published in May 2006) |
2006 | D. Malone, K. Duffy and D.J. Leith | Modeling the 802.11 distributed coordination function in non-saturated heterogeneous conditions. To appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking |
2006 | D. J. Leith, P. Clifford | A Self-Managed Distributed Channel Selection Algorithm for WLANs, Proc. RAWNET 2006, Boston, MA |
2006 | Clifford, P., Duffy, K., Foy, J., Leith, D.J., Malone, D.W., | Modeling 802.11e for data traffic parameter design. Proc. ACM/IEEE WiOpt 06, Boston. |
2006 | A.E. Mahdi and D. Picovici | Perceptual Voice Quality Measurement- Can You Hear Me Loud and Clear?", Chapter XV in the Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia" (ISBN: 1-59140-866-0) |
2005 | Yunong Zhang, W. E. Leithead | Exploiting Hessian matrix and trust-region algorithm in hyperparameters estimation of Gaussian process, Applied Mathematics and Computation, in press. |
2005 | T. Murphy, D. Picovici and A. E. Mahdi | “Enhanced Non-Intrusive Objective Speech Quality Measure for Telephony Systems” IEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC-2005), pp: 18-23, September 2005, Dublin, Ireland, ISBN: 0-86341-549-0. |
2005 | Tianji Li, Qiang Ni, Thierry Turletti, and Yang Xiao | Performance Analysis of the IEEE 802.11e Block ACK Scheme in a Noisy Channel. IEEE BroadNets 2005, Wireless Networking Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, October 3-7, 2005 |
2005 | Ronan Skehill, Sean McGrath | “Mobility Modelling: A Fluid Dynamics Approach”, accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, to appear 2006. |
2005 | Ronan Skehill, Michael Barry, Sean McGrath | “Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic Characteristics for Synthetic-Hybrid Mobility Models”, 9th WSEAS Intern. Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, Greece, 14-16th July 2005. |
2005 | Ronan Skehill, Michael Barry, Sean McGrath | “Mobility Modelling with Empirical Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic Characteristics” WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS, Issue 10, Volume 4, October 2005 |
2005 | Ronan Skehill, Dorel Picovici, William Kent | “Wireless MANET Testbed for Reproducible Voice over IP Evaluation” in Proceedings of the International Communication Sciences and Technology Association MeshNets, Budapest. July 2005. |
2005 | Qiang Ni, Tianji Li, Thierry Turletti, and Yang Xiao | Saturation Throughput Analysis of Error-Prone 802.11 Wireless Networks. To appear in Wiley Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, JWCMC, 2005 |
2005 | Qiang Ni | Performance Analysis and Enhancements for IEEE 802.11e Wireless Networks. IEEE Network, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 21-27, July/August 2005 |
2005 | Qiang Ni, Gion R. Cantieni, Chadi Barakat, Thierry Turletti, | Performance Analysis under Finite Load and Improvements for Multirate 802.11. Computer Communications Journal, special issue on Performance Issues of Wireless LANs, PANs, and Ad Hoc Networks, Vol. 28, Issue 4, 2005 |
2005 | Qiang Ni, and Thierry Turletti | QoS Support for IEEE 802.11 WLAN. Chapter of Wireless LANs and Bluetooth (Book), Nova Science Publishers, ISBN:1-59454-432-8, New York, USA, 2005 |
2005 | P. Ansel, Qiang Ni, and Thierry Turletti. | FHCF: An Efficient Scheduling Scheme for IEEE 802.11e. Accepted to appear in ACM/Kluwer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Modeling and Optimization in Wireless and Mobile Networks, 2005. |
2005 | Padraig Scully and Ronan J. Skehill | “Demonstration of Individual Mobility Models” in proceedings of Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Dublin September 2005 |
2005 | Orla McGann, David Malone | Flow Label Filtering Feasibility. Proc. European Conference on Computer Network Defence |
2005 | Niall Richard Murphy and David Malone | IPv6 Network Administration. O'Reilly Press, ISBN: 0-596-00934-8 |
2005 | Ng, A., Leith,D.J., Malone, D.W | Experimental Evaluation of TCP Performance and Fairness in an 802.11e Test-bed. Proc. SIGCOMM workshop on experimental approaches to wireless network design and analysis. |
2005 | N.Cranley, M.Davis | Performance Evaluation of Video Streaming with Background Traffic over IEEE 802.11 WLAN Networks, Proceedings of WMuNeP 2005, 1st ACM International Workshop on Wireless Multimedia Networking and Performance Modeling, October 13, 2005, Montreal, Canada. |
2005 | N. Cranley, M. Davis | Performance Analysis of Network-level QoS with Encoding Configurations for Unicast Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11 WLAN Networks,” Proceedings of IEEE WirelessCom 2005, International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications, and Mobile Computing, June 13-16, 2005, Maui, Hawaii. |
2005 | N.Cranley, M.Davis | “Performance Evaluation of Resource Usage for Unicast Video Streaming over IEEE 802.11 WLAN Networks,“ Proceedings of ASWN 2005, 5th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, June 29-July 1, 2005, Paris, France. |
2005 | M. Zolog, D. Picovici and J. Nelson | “A low cost flexible mesh wireless sensor platform”, International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packages, (SIITME 2005), 22-25 September, 2005 Cluj-Napoca, Romania. |
2005 | M.Narbutt, M.Davis | “An Assessment of the Audio Codec Performance in Voice over WLAN (VoWLAN) Systems”, Proceedings of MobiQuitous 2005, 2nd International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services, July 17-21, 2005, San Diego, California. |
2005 | M.Narbutt, M.Davis | “Assessing the Quality of VoIP Transmission, Affected by Playout Buffer Scheme,” MESAQIN 2005, 4th International Conference on Measurement of Speech and Audio Quality in Networks, June 9-10, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic. |
2005 | Miroslaw Narbutt, Andrew Kelly, Liam Murphy, and Philip Perry | Adaptive VoIP Playout Scheduling: Assessing User Satisfaction, IEEE Internet Computing Magazine, Vol. 09, No. 4, pp. 28-34, July/August 2005 |
2005 | M. Davis and T. Raimondi | A Novel Framework for Radio Resource Management in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs. Proc 3rd International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt’05), April 3-7, 2005, Riva del Garda, Trentino, Italy. |
2005 | Mark Andrews, Ronan J. Skehill, Michael Barry, Sean McGrath | “Secure Mobility Infrastructure using Mobile IP” ICETE, Reading, England 3-7 October 2005 |
2005 | Leith,D.J., Clifford, P., Malone, D.W., Ng, A | TCP Fairness in 802.11e WLANs. IEEE Communications Letters, Nov 2005, 9 (11) pp 964-966 |
2005 | Leith,D.J., Clifford, P., | TCP Fairness in 802.11e WLANs. . Proc. Wirelesscom 2005, Hawaii. |
2005 | Leith,D.J., Clifford,P., | Modelling TCP Dynamics in Wireless Networks. Proc. Wirelesscom 2005, Hawaii. |
2005 | K. Duffy and A. P. Metcalfe | How to estimate a cumulative process's rate-function. Journal of Applied Probability, to appear. |
2005 | I. Matyasovszki, C. Flanagan and J. Nelson | “Packet Level Symbiosis”, IEEE INFOCOM 2005 Poster and Demo Session, Miami, Florida, USA, March 13 - 17, 2005; |
2005 | I. Matyasovszki, C. Flanagan and J. Nelson | “A dynamic signaling mechanism based on symbiotic packet processing”, Computer Communications Journal, Elsevier B.V, Vol.29, issue 1, 1 December 2005; |
2005 | I. Aad, Qiang Ni, C. Barakat, T. Turletti | Enhancing IEEE 802.11MAC in congested environments, to appear in Elsevier Journal of Computer Communications, 2005 |
2005 | F. Zheng, B. Gleeson, and J. Nelson | "Performance Analysis and Design: A New Power Saving Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11 DCF", submitted to Wireless Networks (Springer, The Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information), 2005. |
2005 | F. Zheng. | "A robust H_2 filtering approach and its application to equalizer design for communications systems," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.53, no.8, pp.2735-2747, 2005 |
2005 | F. Zheng and J. Nelson | "An $H_infty$ Approach to the Controller Design of AQM Routers Supporting TCP Flows", submitted to Automatica, 2005. |
2005 | F. Zheng and J. Nelson | "An $H_infty$ Approach to the Controller Design of AQM Routers Supporting TCP Flows for Wireless Access Networks", submitted to Computer Networks (Elsevier, The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking), 2005 |
2005 | Eduardo Cano, Sean McGrath | "A Reduced Complexity RAKE Receiver Design for UWB-IR Systems with Bi-Orthogonal Signalling," Vehicular Technology Conference Spring,, Stockholm (Sweden), May 2005 |
2005 | Eduardo Cano, Sean McGrath | “A New Transceiver Design for Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio Systems”, IEEE BENELUX/DSP Valley Signal Processing Symposium, April 19-20, 2005. |
2005 | Duffy,K., Malone,D.W., Leith,D.J | Modelling 802.11 Wireless Links. Proc IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Seville. |
2005 | Duffy,K., Malone,D., Leith,D.J., | Modelling the 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function in Non-saturated Conditions, IEEE Communications Letters. |
2005 | Duffy, K., Malone, D., Leith,D.J., | Modelling the 802.11 DCF under heterogenous finite load. Proc. Workshop of Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks, Trento, Italy. |
2005 | D. Picovici, R. Skehill, C. Flanagan and J. Nelson | “Towards Real-Time Objective Assessment of Conversational Speech Quality for Next Generation IP Networks”, Global Signal Processing Conferences and Expos for the Industry- Pervasive Signal Processing (GSPx-2005), 24-27 October 2005, Santa Clara, California, ISBN 0-9728718-2-9. |
2005 | D. Picovici, A. Raja and C. Flanagan | “Real-Time VoIP Evaluation Using IXP 2400 Network Processor”, Intel IXA University Education Summit 2005, Hudson Massachusetts, USA, 27-28 September 2005. |
2005 | D. Picovici, A.E. Mahdi and T. Murphy | “An Enhanced Single-Ended Method for Objective Speech Quality Assessment for Telephony Systems”. Presented at 10th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOOM-2005), pp: 633-636, October 2005, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, ISBN 5-7452-0110-X. |
2005 | D.J.Leith, P.Clifford | Using the 802.11e EDCF to Achieve TCP Upload Fairness over WLAN Links, Proc WiOpt 05, Trento, Italy |
2005 | David Malone | Misbehaving name servers and what they're missing. Cisco Internet Protocol Journal. Vol. 8, No. 1, 2--5, March 2005. |
2005 | David Malone | A Sinister View of Dilation Equations. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing. Vol. 3, No. 1, 67--77, March 2005. |
2005 | Clifford,P., Duffy,K., Leith,D.J., Malone,D.W., | On Improving Voice Capacity in 802.11 Infrastructure Networks. . Proc. Wirelesscom 2005, Hawaii. |
2005 | Alan Barry, George Healy, Cian Daly, Joseph Johnson and Ronan J. Skehill | “Overview of Wi-Max IEEE 802.16a/e” in the proceedings of the 5th Annual ICT Information Technology and Telecommunications, Cork, October 2005. |
2005 | A.E. Mahdi and D. Picovici | “Enhanced Output-Based Perceptual Measure for Predicting Subjective Quality of Speech”, European Signal Processing (EUSIPCO 2005), September 2005, Antalya, Turkey, ISBN 975-001188-0-X. |
2004 | William Kent, Ronan Skehill, Nicola Lenihan, and Michael Barry | “OPNET Simulation of the REALM Network”. 4th Annual ICT Information Technology and Telecommunications, Limerick ,October 21 2004 |
2004 | Ronan Skehill, Sean McGrath | PCS Location Area Optimisation Using An Aggregate Mobility Model. IEEE Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications 2004, Barcelona September 2004 |
2004 | Ronan Skehill, Sean McGrath | Mobility Modelling: A Fluid Dynamics Approach. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Los Angeles September 2004 |
2004 | Qiang Ni, Tian-ji Li, Thierry Turletti and Yang Xiao | MAC Layer Proposal for IEEE 802.11n: Frame Aggregation with Fragment Retransmission (AFR) Scheme. IEEE 802.11n Working Group Document No. IEEE 802.11-04-0950-00-000n, August 13, 2004. |
2004 | Qiang Ni, Lamia Romdhani, and Thierry Turletti. | A Survey of QoS Enhancements for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN. Wiley Journal of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (JWCMC), John Wiley and Sons Publisher, 2004, Vol.4, Issue 5: 547-566. |
2004 | Nicola Lenihan, Sean McGrath | “Local Optimal Position for Indoor Wireless Devices”, 7th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications 2004, Padova September 2004 |
2004 | Nelson J. | Bluetooth Adaptive Frequency Hopping and the Low Power Modes. Proc. Irish Systems and Signals Conference, Belfast, July 2004 |
2004 | M. Malli, Qiang Ni, Thierry Turletti, and Chadi Barakat. | Adaptive Fair Channel Allocation for QoS Enhancement in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2004), Paris, June 2004. |
2004 | M. Davis, | A Wireless Traffic Probe for Radio Resource Management and QoS Provisioning in IEEE 802.11 WLANs, Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM’04), October 4-6, 2004, Venezia, Italy. |
2004 | Mark Andrews, Sean McGrath, Ronan Skehill | “Next Generation Mobile IPv4-Securing Mobility”, 4th Annual ICT Information Technology and Telecommunications, Limerick , October 21 2004 |
2004 | Maria O’Callaghan, Neville Gawley, Michael Barry and Sean McGrath | “Admission Control for Heterogeneous Networks”, 13th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, Lyon, June 27 - 30 2004 |
2004 | Joseph Sloan, Sean McGrath | "The Performance of a Radio-based Secret Key Generator in an Urban Environment", in: WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 6, Volume 1, pp1638-1641, December 2004. ISSN 1790-0832. |
2004 | I. Matyasovszki and C. Flanagan | “On demand end to end signalling”, Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2004, 30th June - 2nd July 2004, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland |
2004 | Imad Aad, Qiang Ni, Chadi Barakat, and Thierry Turletti. | Enhancing IEEE 802.11 MAC in Congested Environments. IEEE Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN 2004), Boston, August 2004. |
2004 | Eduardo Cano, Sean McGrath | Modulation Performance for Time Hopping Ultra Wideband Systems in a Lognormal Fading Channel. Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Belfast July 2004 |
2004 | Eduardo Cano, and Sean McGrath | TH-UWB and DS-UWB in lognormal channel and 802.11a interference. Proc. Int. Symp. Personal, Indoor Radio Communications, vol:4, pp: 2978–2982 , September 2004 |
2004 | David Malone | The Root of the Matter: Hints or Slaves. roceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference 2004 |
2004 | Connor Goulding, Barry Holland, Eoin Kiely and, Ronan Skehill | “WLAN/UMTS Integration Techniques”, Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Belfast, July 2004 |