kaidi Kaidi Huang, Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Kaidi Huang


Contact information

E-mail: kaidi.huang@nuim.ie.
Phone: +353 (0) 858 270 358.
Mail: Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Ireland.

Experiments and Simulations Data Download

All of the data used in "K. D. Huang, Ken R. Duffy and David Malone, On the validity of IEEE 802.11 MAC modeling hypotheses, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, in press, 2010 " is available here.

All experiments and simulations mentioned in this paper were carried out with parameters corresponding to standard 11 Mb/s IEEE 802.11b that are summarized in the table below.

Parameters Default Values
SLOT 20 microseconds
SIFS 10 microseconds
DIFS 50 microseconds
PHY Header 192 bits
CWmin 32
CWmax 1024

Format for all {Ak} sequences kept in these files is one Ak per line. Files are summarized as follows:

  1. File "Saturated_A1_A2_A7_A8" keeps all experimental data of saturated networks used in testing assumption A1, A2, A7 and A8;
  2. File "Unsaturated_Big_Buffers_A1_A2_A3_A4_A7_A8" keeps all experimental data of unsaturated networks with big buffers used in testing assumption A1-A4, A7 and A8;
  3. File "Unsaturated_Small_Buffers_A1_A2_A7_A8" keeps all experimental data of unsaturated networks with small buffers used in testing assumption A1, A2, A7 and A8;
  4. File "Saturated_A5_A6" keeps all simulative data of saturated networks used in testing assumption A5 and A6;
  5. File "Saturated_CW" keeps all experimental data of saturated networks used in testing the uniform distribution of back-off counters of our network cards.

If you use this data, please cite the above article.