function [pr,sdev] = gp2_durlev(p,M,y,T) % GP2_IDEN_DURLEV Calculates the prediction and standard deviation of % the posterior joint probability distribution for the Gaussian process. % The covariance matrices are strictly Toeplitz. % % [PR,SD] = GP2_IDEN_DURLEV(p,M,y,T) % % This function computes the prediction and the standard deviation of the % posterior Gaussian process, given the prior information. The prior % covariance function used is of the form, % % C(zi,zj) = a*{exp([zi-zj]'*D*[zi-zj]) + v} % % Normally, 95% confidence intervals corresponds to 2 times standard % deviation, sd, for a Gaussian distribution. % % Inputs: % p = Hyperparameters, [a g1 g2 ... gd v], D=diag{g1,g2,...,gd} % M = Input explanatory variable, of dimension {N0 x D0} % y = Outcome (vector) from every input of the explantory variable % T = Input explantory variable to be predicted for its outcome % % Outputs: % PR = Prediction % SD = Standard deviation % % This function script utilises modified Durbin-Levinson's algorithm to % construct fast algorithm for computation of task impossible by standard % MATLAB command. % % % (C) Gaussian Process Toeplitz Toolbox 1.0 % (C) Copyright 2005-2007, Keith Neo % N0=size(M,1); Nt=size(T,1); a=p(1); g=p(2); v=p(3); ct=toep2_genct(M,[1 g v]); invb=toep2_invcy(ct,y); if N0==Nt if sum(double(M==T))==N0 pr=y-v*invb; ct=toep3_invdiag(ct); k=a*v; sdev=sqrt(k-k*v*ct); end elseif Nt<2000 C=diag_add(eecov_1d(M,M,a,g,N0),a*v,N0); invC=inv(C); Cy1=eecov_1d(M,T,a,g,N0); pr=(Cy1'*invb)/a; sdev=sqrt(a-diag(Cy1'*invC*Cy1)); else disp('Data size too big. Standard deviation result not computed'); pr=zeros(Nt,1); for k=1:Nt tmp=exp(-0.5*g*(M'-T(k)).^2); pr(k)=tmp*invb; end sdev=0; end function Q=eecov_1d(M,N,a,g,N0) Nt=size(N,1); Q=(repmat(permute(M,[1,3,2]),[1,Nt,1])-repmat(permute(N',[3,2 1]),[N0,1,1])).^2; Q=a*exp(-0.5*g*Q); function Q=diag_add(Q,v,N0) for i=1:N0 Q(i,i)=Q(i,i)+v; end