function [ptr,gratio]=gratio_fun(MT,gdt,gts,ord) % GRATIO_FUN A quick script using linear regression to obtain the % ratio, ptr, between 0 and 1 that can be best described by the original % time-series hyperparameter with the remaining described by dynamic % lengthscale hyperparameters, and the ratio of the % lengthscale hyperparameters, gratio, with respect to the time-series % hyperparameter. % % [ptr,gratio] = GRATIO_FUN(MT,gdt,gts,ord) % % Inputs: % MT = Input time-series explanatory variables % gdt = A list of values of lengthscale hyperparameters % gts = Adapted time-series lengthscale hyperparameter % ord = Order of reduction in the state-space dataset % % Outputs: % ptr = Column vector of the ratio of the prediction that can be % described by the time-series lengthscale hyperparameter, and % the remaining described by dynamic lengthsccale % hyperparameters values. % gratio = Column vector of the ratio where dynamic lengthscale % hyperparameter values are larger than the time-series % hyperparameter. % % % (C) Gaussian Process SSTS Toolbox 1.0 % (C) Copyright 2006-2007, Keith Neo % ggdt=(gdt>gts).*gdt+(gdt