function [prt,sdt,prs,sds]=gp4_iden_ssts_matlab(p,M,yy,M1,N,NT,ord,ff) % GP4_IDEN_SSTS_MATLAB Performs the calculations of both state-space % and times-series domains for the predictions and the standard deviations. % The operations are performed using standard MATLAB functions. % % [prt,sdt,prs,sds] = GP4_IDEN_SSTS_MATLAB(p,M,yy,M1,N,NT,ord,ff) % % Inputs: % p = Hyperparameters, [a1 a2 gts g1...gk v] % M = Input state-space explanatory variables % yy = Outcome for every explanatory variables % M1 = Input time-series explanatory variables % N = Predicting input state-space explanatory variables % NT = Predicting input time-series explanatory variables % ord = Order of reduced state-space size % ff = Fudge Factor, e % % Outputs: % prt = Prediction of the time-series domain % sdt = Standard deviation of the time series domain % prs = Prediction of the state-space domain % sds = Standard deviation of the state-space domain % % Note: % % Q = a1* [ Qf+v(I+eI) vI ] % [ vI Qg+v(I+eI) ] % % such that, Qf = exp(-0.5*Zf^2*d) % Qg = a2*exp(-0.5*Zg^2*dg) % e = machine precision % % % (C) Gaussian Process SSTS Toolbox 1.0 % (C) Copyright 2006-2007, Keith Neo % D0=size(M,2); N1=size(M,1); a1=p(1); a2=a1*p(2); g1=p(3); g2=p(4:D0+3); v =a1*p(D0+4); vxp=v*(1+ff); expA=a1*constr_cov(M1,M1,g1); expB=a2*constr_cov(M,M,g2); Qa=diag_add(expA,vxp); Qb=diag_add(expB,vxp); T=get_ord(ord,N1); N2=size(T,1); Q=[Qa v*T';v*T T*Qb*T']; clear expA expB Qa Qb; y=[yy;T*yy]; DexpA=[a1*constr_cov(M1,NT,g1);zeros(N2,size(NT,1))]; DexpB=[zeros(N1,size(N,1));a2*constr_cov(T*M,N,g2)]; invQy=Q\y; prt=DexpA'*invQy; prs=DexpB'*invQy; sdt=sqrt(a1-diag(DexpA'*(Q\DexpA))); sds=sqrt(a2-diag(DexpB'*(Q\DexpB))); function expA=constr_cov(M,N,g) N0=size(M,1); Nt=size(N,1); expT=repmat(permute(M,[1,3,2]),[1,Nt,1])-repmat(permute(N',[3,2,1]),[N0,1,1]); expC=(expT.^2).*repmat(permute(g',[3 2 1]),[N0,Nt,1]); expA=exp(-0.5*sum(expC,3)); function Q=diag_add(Q,v) N0=size(Q,1); for i=1:N0 Q(i,i)=Q(i,i)+v; end