function [logmax,dL]=nolin1d_grad_optag_schur_stable_c(x,M,y) % NOLIN1D_GRAD_OPTAG_SCHUR_STABLE_C This optimisation script uses only % GRADIENT % information to perform Gaussian Process prior model optimisation for % time-series data, i.e. one-dimensional data, [M,y] with M as the input % and y as the output. Hessian is approximated by finite-differencing using % MATLAB operation. % The hyperparamters, g represents the length-scale, and V, the noise % variance. % % This is a fast algorithm using Generalised Schur algorithm to perform % computation task, impossible by standard MATLAB command. The Schur % algorithm is written in Mex-C coding. % % [logmax,dL] = NOLIN1D_GRAD_OPTAG_SCHUR_STABLE_C(x,M,y) % % Inputs: M : one-dimensional input column vector % y : one-dimensional output column vector % x : hyperparameter for GP, x = [g V] for training % % Outputs: logmax = log likelihood function value % dL = gradient vector value % % % (C) Gaussian Process Schur Toolbox 1.0 % (C) Copyright 2005-2007, Keith Neo % N0=size(M,1); g=exp(x(1)); V=exp(x(2)); hyp=[g V]; G=get_eigen_block_trace_a(M,hyp); [trdQ,dQb]=schur_invbfv3b(G,y); clear G; G=get_eigen_block_a(M,hyp); [logdet,yQy,trQ,yQQy,invb]=schur_invbfv3(G,y); clear G; logmax=logdet+N0*log(yQy); Ny=N0/yQy; dL=zeros(2,1); dL(1,1)=trdQ-Ny*(invb'*dQb); dL(2,1)=V*(trQ-Ny*yQQy);