function [hpsd,pwrc,bs,as]=gp_psd(ynorm,rg,fz) % GP_PSD Hyperparameter Initialisation using Power Spectrum in % Frequency Domain. % % [HPSD,PWRC,BS,AS] = GP_PSD(ynorm,rg,fz) % % This function utilises the power spectrum density (PSD) to analyse % time-series data in frequency domain, for the use of Gaussian process % prior model. The prior covariance function chosen to maximise the % log-likelihood function is given of the form, % % C(zi,zj) = a*exp([zi-zj]'*d*[zi-zj]) + bI % % where {a, d, b} are hyperparameters of the Gaussian process, such that % 'as' and 'bs' are approximation values of 'a' and 'b' for the % initialisation of the training or optimisation procedure. % % Inputs: % ynorm = Normalised data, y, i.e. y-mean(y) % rg = Frequency Range, for calculation using AVGPOWER % fz = Sampling frequency, specified in Hz % % Output: % HPSD = Power spectrum density, calculated using PSD % PWRC = Power ratio of noise over data (with noise) % BS = Approximation to hyperparameter 'b' % AS = Approximation to hyperparameter 'a' % % The Power Spectrum Density (PSD) is calculated using "Periodogram" % (Periodogram spectral estimator) approach. % % % (C) Gaussian Process Toolbox 1.0 % (C) Copyright 2006-2007, Keith Neo % h=spectrum.periodogram('rectangular'); hopts=psdopts(h); set(hopts,'NFFT',2^12,'Fs',fz); hpsd=psd(h,ynorm,hopts); pwrc=avgpower(hpsd,rg)/avgpower(hpsd); bs=pwrc/(1-pwrc); as=(ynorm'*ynorm)/((1+bs)*size(ynorm,1));