function Q = expacov(M,N,p) % EXPACOV Computes the covariance matrix of a squared exponential % covariance function, C(zi,tj). % % [Q] = EXPACOV(M,N,p) % % This script is optimised to calculate the covariance matrix, given the % covariance function of the form, % % C(zi,zj) = a*exp([zi-tj]'*D*[zi-tj]) % % such that a and D are hyperparameters of the covariance function, and zi % is the i-th entry of vector z of M, and tj is the j-th entry of vector t % of N. % % It returns Q in matrix form. % % Inputs: % M = Input explanatory variable of dimension {n1 x d} % N = Input explanatory variable of dimension {n2 x d} % p = Hyperparameters, [a g1 g2 ... gd], D=diag{g1,g2,...,gd} % % Output: % Q = Resulting covariance matrix % % % (C) Gaussian Process Toolbox 1.0 % (C) Copyright 2005-2007, Keith Neo % [N0,D0]=size(M); Nt=size(N,1); a=p(1); g=p(2:D0+1); Z2=(repmat(permute(M,[1,3,2]),[1,Nt,1])-repmat(permute(N',[3,2 1]),[N0,1,1])).^2; Q=a*exp(-0.5*sum(Z2.*repmat(permute(g',[3,2,1]),[N0,Nt,1]),3));