function [logmax,dL]=nolin_fg_quad3(x,Ma,Mb,y) % NOLIN_FG_QUAD3 is an optimisation script for the training of Gaussian % process prior models. Particularly, the Gaussian Process is 2 Gaussian % processes with independent explanatory variables. One of them uses a % Squared Exponential (SE) covariance function, and the other uses a % Quadratic covariance function. % % [logmax,dL] = NOLIN_FG_QUAD3(x,Ma,Mb,y) % % This optimisation script uses only Gradient information to % perform optimisation for Gaussian process prior models, by adapting % hyperparameters to minimise negative the log-likelihood function, % % logmax = log(det(Q)) + y'*inv(Q)*y % % The prior covariance function used is of the form, % % C(zi,zj) = P1 + P2 + v % % where, % P1(zi,zj) = a*exp([zi-zj]'*D*[zi-zj]) % P2(zi,zj) = wk*Zk^2*Zk^2' % % Inputs: % x = Hyperparameters, [a1 a2 v D1 D2], where D=diag{g1,g2,...,gd} % Ma = Input explanatory variable, of dimension {N0 x D1} % Mb = Input explanatory variable, of dimension {N0 x D2} % y = Outcome (vector) from every input of the explantory variable % % Outputs: % logmax = Negative log-likelihood function value % dL = Gradient vector values % % This script does not utilise user-supplied Hessian information. Hessian % is approximated by finite-differencing. % % External function dependencies:- % - TRACEAXB = calculation of the trace of product of two matrices. % % % (C) Multiple Gaussian Processes Toolbox 1.0 % (C) Copyright 2006, Keith Neo % N1=size(Ma,2); N2=size(Mb,2); a=exp(x(1)); v=exp(x(2)); d1=exp(x(3:2+N1)'); d2=exp(x(3+N1:2+N1+N2)'); meanMb=mean(Mb.^2); Mb=Mb.^2-repmat(meanMb,size(Mb,1),1); expD=constr_lin(Mb,d2); expC=constr_cov(Ma,d1); expA=a*exp(-0.5*sum(expC,3)); Q=diag_add(expA+sum(expD,3),v); invQ=inv(Q); invQy=invQ*y; [cholC,pp]=chol(Q); if pp==0, logdet=2*sum(log(diag(cholC))); else logdet=sum(log(svd(Q))); end clear cholC logmax=y'*invQy+logdet; dL=zeros(2+N1+N2,1); dL(2)=v*(trace(invQ)-invQy'*invQy); dL(1)=traceaxb(invQ,expA)-invQy'*expA*invQy; for k=1:N1 Q=expC(:,:,k).*expA; dL(2+k)=-0.5*(traceaxb(invQ,Q)-invQy'*Q*invQy); end clear expA expC for k=1:N2 dL(2+N1+k)=traceaxb(invQ,expD(:,:,k))-invQy'*expD(:,:,k)*invQy; end clear expD function expC=constr_lin(M,w) [N0,D0]=size(M); expC=zeros(N0,N0,D0); for k=1:D0 vecM=M(:,k); expC(:,:,k)=w(k)*vecM*vecM'; end function expC=constr_cov(M,g) N0=size(M,1); expC=repmat(permute(M,[1,3,2]),[1,N0,1])-repmat(permute(M',[3,2,1]),[N0,1,1]); expC=(expC.^2).*repmat(permute(g',[3 2 1]),[N0,N0,1]); function Q=diag_add(Q,v) for k=1:size(Q,1) Q(k,k)=Q(k,k)+v; end