function [pr,sd]=gp5_fg_lineart(w1,w2,a,d,w,v,y,ww1,ww2) % GP5_FG_LINEART provides a prediction procedure for obtaining the % posterior of the Gaussian process prior model, with 2 indendent Gaussian % processes of independent explanatory variables, i.e. y~f(u,v)+g(w) % % [pr,sd] = GP5_FG_LINEART(w1,w2,a,d,w,v,y,ww1,ww2) % % The prior covariance function used is of the form, % % C(zi,zj) = P1 + P2 + v % % where, % P1(zi,zj) = a*exp([zi-zj]'*D*[zi-zj]) % P2(zi,zj) = wk*Zk*Zk' % % Inputs: % w1 = Explanatory variable, of dimension {N0 x D1} % w2 = Explanatory variable, of dimension {N0 x D2} % a = Hyperparameter of 'a' = [a1 a2] % d = Hyperparameter of 'd' = [D1 D2], where D=diag{g1,g2,...,gd} % w = Hyperparameter of 'w' = {w1,w2,...,wd} % v = Hyperparameter of 'v' (noise variance) % y = Outcome (vector) from every input of the explantory variable % ww1 = Predicted explanatory variable, of dimension {N0 x D1} % ww2 = Predicted explanatory variable, of dimension {N0 x D2} % % Outputs: % pr = Predictions % sd = Standard deviation of the predictions % % % (C) Multiple Gaussian Processes Toolbox 1.0 % (C) Copyright 2006, Keith Neo % n1=size(ww1,1); if (size(w1,1)~=size(w2,1)) || (n1~=size(ww2,1)) disp('Incorrect dimension'); return end meanw2=mean(w2); w2=w2-repmat(meanw2,size(w2,1),1); ww2=ww2-repmat(meanw2,n1,1); Lf=ecov(w1,w1,[a d]); Lg=elin(w2,w2,w); invQ=inv(diag_add(Lf+Lg,v)); invQy=invQ*y; clear Lf Lg Lf=ecov(w1,ww1,[a d]); Lg=elin(w2,ww2,w); pr=[Lf'*invQy Lg'*invQy]; stdf=a-diag(Lf'*invQ*Lf); stdg=sum(ww2.^2.*repmat(w,n1,1),2)-diag(Lg'*invQ*Lg); sd=sqrt([stdf stdg]); function Q=ecov(M,N,p) [N0,D0]=size(M); Nt=size(N,1); g=p(2:D0+1); Z2=(repmat(permute(M,[1,3,2]),[1,Nt,1])-repmat(permute(N',[3,2 1]),[N0,1,1])).^2; Q=p(1)*exp(-0.5*sum(Z2.*repmat(permute(g',[3,2,1]),[N0,Nt,1]),3)); function Q=elin(M,N,p) [N0,D0]=size(M); Nt=size(N,1); Q=zeros(N0,Nt); for k=1:D0 Q=p(k)*M(:,k)*N(:,k)'+Q; end function Q=diag_add(Q,v) for i=1:size(Q,1) Q(i,i)=Q(i,i)+v; end