Dr. M. P. Schellekens Department of Computer Science National University of Ireland, Cork Title: Measuring software complexity Abstract: CEOL, the Centre for Efficiency-Oriented Languages, has as prime focus to harness the analysis of software complexity through the development of new measuring tools. CEOL is the first centre to have developed a modular approach to measure the complexity of software, with particular application to the average-case time complexity. Real-Time software can guarantee that deadlines are met in safety critical situations and is widely applied in telephone exchanges, satellite communications, medical equipment, chemical-plant control, stock-market analysis and robotics. CEOL's mission is to improve software timing at source code level for Real-Time Programming Languages through a unique interdisciplinary approach that combines three areas: Semantics, Complexity and Real-Time Languages. CEOL also investigates Quantitative Semantics and Complexity Spaces. CEOL actively collaborates with industry, including the Real-Time Java group at Sun Microsystems, and is currently supported by Science Foundation Ireland and Sun. We give an overview of CEOL research on Complexity Analysis.